Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Blog Project : A Storm brewed, A Sunrise yet to be made

It was all for a show. Everyone wants a good show anyway.

First was just instinct. And for that instinct, I made a really stupid, bad call.

And for that she changed my outlook on love.

Second was just impact. Makes your day. Well, she changed to a great extent. Well, she's happy and I'm happy. I came back to her, again using my instinct, and I experienced another great deal of damage.

And for that she taught me that to set my priorities right.

Third was just timing. She had more balls than me, well in certain circumstances. Actually, I didn't have the balls to tell her I like her personally.

And for that she taught me that you should know how to stand up for yourself.

Fourth was just impression. Good looks, good smile, good talk, same interests and I thought that she was the perfect one. Well, that resulted to a drastic change in my social life.

And for that she changed the way I make my impressions to others.

Fifth was special. Hold that thought, We'll get back to her.

Sixth was just emotions. I thought I had a good shot but the past was still clinging to me. Another thing was that she is numb. Offence not intended.

And for that she taught me to not move on that easily.

Seventh was just desperation. Desperation wasn't a good ingredient in love.

And for that she taught me that in love, desperation is never an option.

Let's get to Fifth.

I don't want to call her Fifth anymore but instead let's just call her First again.

She is a different kind of First though. She is hard to read. She is very frail. She is very cautious. She is careless. She is high. She is low. She is very hard to read. She is strong. She is adventurous. She is funny. She is dramatic. She is avoiding. She is emotional.

She is very different.

Words just can't describe her.

I don't know what I exactly feel, but I do get that stirring feeling inside every time I talk to her. I get excited.

And now words can't describe just how much I miss her. If I could just get a glimpse of her again then damn, I could live for two weeks!

She is just that kind of girl.

She is my First Love. 
Sorry for a brief hiatus. The odds weren't at my favor during those times for blogging. Anyway, I'm still alive and kicking!

Watch out for my posts and more episodes of The Blog Project.

-The Rusty Weatherman 11/12/13