Wednesday 25 July 2018


Appreciate the people that have been rocks for you.

The people who cared about you despite the occasion and whatever you're doing

The people who stuck around and understand while you try to get some time for yourself

The people who accepted you despite your flaws

Appreciate the people who believed in you and has been there for you every step of the way.

Never take them from granted. As they say, nothing lasts forever.

Also, try to do the same for them. They might need you more than you need them and you may just not be realising it.

Thank someone that cared for you today heck, do it everyday even.


She's not a goddess. She's not a heroine.

She is just a girl.

She's not good. She's not bad.

She's both at the same time and everything in between.

She's worth waiting for. She's worth giving my time to.

She's worth all the rants, jokes and the random things in the middle.

I'm starting to feel something familiar.

Something I haven't felt for a long, long time.

Monday 9 July 2018


It's starting to get into me
This feeling coming up;
So frustrating yet can't be helped

You confuse me
Oh if only you know how much you puzzle me
Unrequited as it may seem; I confuse myself too

Naive sentiments, unsure feelings
I won't get tired though - maybe just pedantic
Not in a million years, probably
A bit more time, I will wait

this is a story of —

"Fly me to the moon"

It's only one small step;
Voyaging through your cosmos
Being gravitated towards you

It's one giant leap;
To reach you within light years
Overcoming this interstellar journey

Hello, mission control


Am I just a comet's tail?
Particles of dust left in your wake;

A celestial body?
A black hole?
To which, I have yet to know

We have a problem

"Drive me to Greenwich"

Prime Meridian -
Longitudinal memories
Arbitrary feelings


Time differences
I, the mean time
For I am the premise


Us, the meantime
Before it breaks
Before misery overtakes

"Take me to your favourite place"

Beside you,
I'll never get lost
A pathway I will always be certain

Like a vernacular,
A sense of familiarity

But I am lost all of a sudden



Stuck in a traffic jam
I am the road accident
We are the collision

This is the recoil.