Tuesday 12 December 2017

Some Changes

Hey guys, or whichever entity that happens to find him/herself here!

Just gonna be implementing some changes in order to ensure I post something more often.

So, my writings have always been a full-text insight or poem about life, love or myself. However, I write only when I feel it and those peaks of creativity and inspiration occur oh so randomly thus my irregular posting.

However, in between posting, I've always had these mini "eureka" moments where I just write lines on impulse and say "I'm gonna use this line in a post". I've compiled quite a draft of them (although, I've lost most of them when my old phone broke).

So now, I'm gonna utilise the small lines I've wrote into posts. I mean, you may have seen other people do it but hey, this is all about content right? So it might be an excerpt-style story, a mini epiphany, or something.

Don't we all just prefer being straight to the point?

Don't get me wrong though, I'd still be making full-text posts whenever I can. Just that, university has limited the time I have for things. Pardon me there.

I hope I can get this blog more active, I'm considering making an Instagram page to increase my audience. We'll see.

Also, I'll be revamping the blog itself. Changing the background and themes to be more "short post"-friendly.

Stay tuned for more posts! First post on this change will follow suit.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!


Update: Decided not to change the theme because I just can't find anything that fits... I readjusted the font sizes though for an easier read.

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