Tuesday 29 January 2013


The game of Dodgeball is like the game of life. They throw balls at you, you dodge it, sometimes catch it, and at some point, get hit by one. Like when life throws you a problem.

In life's version of Dodgeball, instead of balls, problems are thrown at you. And for some reason we are obligated to catch it. Problems are meant to be caught. You can't dodge the balls forever. You can't win without getting hit by one.

Like the game of Dodgeball, you never know when the balls are going to be thrown at you. But the thing is we know that it's coming towards us. Strategically, when you dodge a ball, you get to be the number one target at some point. That's when you disregard a problem, it gets worse. More and more balls are thrown at you and you will have a hard time throwing it all back.

In Dodgeball, when you get hit, you're out of the game, right? In life's version, it means you've been blinded or you've simply disregarded the problem. Like the concept of dodging problems, getting hit by one means that you've been stupid lately. How can you not see that coming? But it doesn't mean you're out of the game. It means you've got to pick up that ball!

When you catch a ball, you've got to throw it back, right? We got to give back the problem to life and tell that we've got the solution. It's easy when you're only holding one ball but if you caught too much, you can't throw it all at the same time, right? You've got to take time and throw the balls one by one. As for the dodgers and the hit people, you've got to pick it all up and throw it back with a solution. Take your time, you can't rush these kinds of stuff.

The worst things in life come free to us. Sometimes, they hit you softly. Sometimes, they hit you straight into the face. You've got to solve and get the best things out of each ball. Even though you've got a price to pay, no matter what size, at least you know it's worth it.

-The Rusty Weatherman 29/01/13

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