Friday 22 March 2013

The Next Page

Our life is like our journal.

Every time you fill up a page, you turn to the next one and start writing once more. As you write, you see that there are markings that sunk in from the last page.

Those are memories.

Every time we start writing a new entry in our journal, markings are present. It's hard to start our lives in fresh paper. We can't evade the marking forever for they will always be there, affecting every entry you write.

After three years of pain and hardwork, my efforts were, I won't say wasted but they aren't just enough to meet some fucking standards. I have to transfer and do stuff...

Long story short, I have to start a new page in my journal

The markings wouldn't be simply normal markings per say. They would be like the marking of a marker through paper or like a hard-pressed pen's or something. It's just that those memories would remain fresh for a long time. It would be inevitable to write something new without being aware of the past.

There'll always come a time when we'll need to flip the page. And we'll reach the end of our journal

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